ikona telefonCONTACT AN EXPERT:
Elżbieta Klimko +48 608 413 448
Olimpia Krakowska +48 608 413 558
e-mail office@emano.com.pl

We involve ourselves in the process of creating a advertising stand from the very outset

From the commencement of cooperation we will offer support in the preparation of your product campaign and will assist you in the choice of the appropriate promotional method using POS tools. Once you let us know your assumptions we will assist you in working out and creating an advertising medium, specifically designed to obtain the assumed promotional and sale effect.

  • Are you spending time racking your brains over the appropriate way to reach a target group using POS materials?
  • You’ve run out of new ideas to attract potential recipients of your product?
  • You’re fed up with repeating the same patterns year in year out?
  • You’re afraid of technical errors occurring in the display – instability, a structure that lacks durability, problems with suitable transport to the sales points?

If the answer is yes to the above, you will most certainly appreciate the assistance of our Company’s specialists in designing a advertising stand optimally tailored to the requirements of your campaign. You will find that this is an additional bonus in cooperating with us. It’s our standard practice to take the burden of working out a concept for an advertising medium and carrying out the project for specific sales activity off our Client’s shoulders. This also applies to you.

Cooperation with our Company is not limited to production. It also involves joint preparation of the assumptions to achieve effective promotion using a specific POS product in the pre-production stage, and in the later stages, monitoring and improving its effectiveness with real activity on our part.
