ikona telefonCONTACT AN EXPERT:
Elżbieta Klimko +48 608 413 448
Olimpia Krakowska +48 608 413 558
e-mail office@emano.com.pl

We know the rules for selecting ranges

In each distribution channel and sales point characteristic for this channel, various rules are binding in the selection of ranges. We know the criteria on which companies choose ranges, what problems they encounter and in what issues (e.g. too wide/narrow range, no products catalogue, lack of advertising standards for your product).

Knowledge of the selection principles for ranges facilitates communication with the Client on the arrangement of advertising stands, shelving, or entire aisles in stores. We will help you not only to choose a advertising stand which has the optimal construction and visual, qualities, but also in establishing the span, categorization and advertising standards for your product.

We carry out this type of work on receiving a special assignment from the customer, after supplying the appropriate materials such as a “must have” list of products, participation in the market etc.
