ikona telefonCONTACT AN EXPERT:
Elżbieta Klimko +48 608 413 448
Olimpia Krakowska +48 608 413 558
e-mail office@emano.com.pl

We are aware of the standards of work of the Sales Representatives and know how to prepare them to launch advertising stands

Successful launch of advertising stands in the points of sale also depends on prior preparation work by Sales Representatives. We are well aware of the standards of work of Representatives. We know what difficulties they encounter in the sales points, how they work to develop the store, the development of sales and launching promotions.

Physical launch of the displays in the sales points is often through Sales Representatives. At our Client’s request we conduct SR training sessions, aimed at, in addition to allowing the Representatives to get to know the construction of the advertising stand, presenting a method of optimal exposure of the display of the product with the use of a given POS in the point of sales and to get round objections of SR, who do not believe in the justification of such tools.

We can hold training sessions in chosen points of sale or in designated places on the Client’s premises.