ikona telefonCONTACT AN EXPERT:
Elżbieta Klimko +48 608 413 448
Olimpia Krakowska +48 608 413 558
e-mail office@emano.com.pl

We are not just “Brefs’ takers”

We do not limit ourselves to a visualization of a stand on the basis of a brief, which we receive from you. We make every effort to come out with the initiative, to suggest ideas.

Clients remember us for the wide range of services we offer. Having seen our achievements, clients who come to us with an assignment know that we will not blindly suggest POS materials for the product campaign – the same is true of the method of launching products into shops –, abut we will give well-thought out tried and tested advice which results in effective increases in sales.

Clients working for years on given products often may not be open to defined solutions. When they enter into cooperation with us they can count on a fresh look.

If you are looking for a Company which not only supplies displays, but also involves itself in the entire preparation process of the product campaign, then you have come to the right place.

Our stages of service include:

  • physical contact to learn about the range destined for the promotion;
  • an analysis of the competition and market on which you are working in the point of sale;
  • visits to the points of sale before and after launching your product;
  • participation of our experts in internal trade marketing consultations of your company in order to prepare assumptions for the promotion (on request);
We have also achieved success in the support we offer companies, which are taking their first few steps in preparing everything from basics. We offer assistance in working out a plan of action regarding trade marketing and selection of the appropriate POS tools.