ikona telefonCONTACT AN EXPERT:
Elżbieta Klimko +48 608 413 448
Olimpia Krakowska +48 608 413 558
e-mail office@emano.com.pl

With us you can prepare your POS product campaign starting from the basics

Preparing POS materials is part of the wider activities of companies in planning advertising campaigns, therefore we will be pleased to offer our Clients substantive assistance in their preparation from the very basics.

Our specialists will support you in work on the design of trade-marketing plans. We will propose the optimal POS materials for your product campaign. You can count on our experience.

When choosing a stand we will consider all possible details:

  • size of the equipment;
  • functionality;
  • colour scheme;
  • type of construction materials;
  • possibilities and limitations of the sales points in your distribution channel;
  • characteristics of the Sales Representatives work in your company.

Our experts visit the target places of sale on the basis of which we then work out the optimal manner of displaying your products using POS’s supplied by us.